Posts Tagged ‘Chris Corning’

Learning to snowboard took a lot out of me so I stayed in during the morning to watch the Women’s Snowboard Slopestyle finals from my computer. I have to give Annika Morgan props because she came up short on a jump and instead of bailing, she threw herself into a front flip. I brought it up at the Roxy signing after the contest, and she shrugged it off (but was obviously very grateful to have not wiped out). Get the woman into Knuckle Huck!

I rode the Woodward Express to the top of the slopestyle course just as the Men were starting their competition. It turned out that pedestrians got to ride for free. I wish I had known earlier because maybe I would have tried to go up multiple times. It’s still a long and strenuous trek (TV makes the course look deceptively small). Some of the people I passed had the stream on their phones, which is a good way to keep track of results if you have the battery power and data plan. I did enjoy snapping photos of the riders at various parts of the course though.
